
Dr. Schulze

Schulze: natural way of healing

He himself has been suffering
from the severe heart deformity since 16. The doctor promised that he would be
dead by the age of 21 if he hadn’t any surgical correction.

He addressed to the doctor and
he asks if anything else could help him apart from except open heath surgery. No
food, no exercise can change his state, no way without surgery.

Soon he met Buddhist monk and he advised him to not to eat red meat. He ate only dairy products, fruits and

He lost his weight. He stated to be panicked. But at the same time his stayed
dramatically improved.

Somebody told that he needed exercises to clean elimination channels,
emotion healing, because nobody has healthy heart who has hateful thoughts. If
you want to be healthy you must learn how to give love and how to receive love.

In 3 years he came to the hospital he had stress tests and his heart
was perfect. «It was a miracle»
- doctors said. «It was not a miracle, I worked hard,
did exercises, took herbs».

Schulze: program from incurable diseases.

“There are no incurable
diseases, no matter what your doctor tell you”.

When doctor say that nothing
can be done it only means nothing can be done that modern medicine knows.

cleaning the colon

The first most important to
clean elimination channels and the boul is the best place of start.

To cleanse it high fiber diet
is recommended including grains, fruits and vegetables.

Cleansing the liver

Livers in the majority of
people are fat, large and degenerated so everyone needs to clean it.

We should follow and intense
cleansing program, that includes enough drinks, exercises, emotions, changing
the diet and changing the attitude of life.

The exercise

Dr. Schulze is sure if a person
eats good food, drink pure water, it is these won’t help him much if he doesn’t
more, as it stimulates blood circulation.

He makes them to move today
more than yesterday, as it helps to detoxify the blood.

Hot and cold

Dr. Schulze is a great fan of
hot and cold therapy, because it is the fastest way to relieve pain and it also
stimulates the blood circulation.

Dr. Schulze recommends 6-7
changes of hot and cold 15 seconds each, 2 or 3 times a day.

He consider that it’s the best
way to detoxify the body, but it is a big dramatic, because a person must be
brave to do this.

You need to massage the sick
parts of your body (to touch them and send them love). It also stimulates blood

The Emotional

If a person does everything
above mentions, but he doesn’t correct his emotional problems, it doesn’t work.
It works only in complex.

The diseases are successfully
treated only in case we consider a unity of body, mind and spirit.

At least it’s useful to start
the day exclaiming “It’s great to be alive”.

Dr. Schulze acts not as a
healer, but as an educator.

The origins of
both Great Britain and Belarus cultures go back to the ancient times.

Both countries
have deep roots but different history and mentality.

However I think
they are comparable.

Great Britain was great Empire, powerful and mighty; nowadays it is also rich
and influential European country.

As for Belarus
it was also influential country in the 15th century when it was the
centre of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, one of the largest and most powerful
medieval state.

And the main
document of the state “Statute” was written in the Belarusian language.

It was the
first full Code of Laws written in Europe since Roman Law and until the
Napoleonic Code was adopted in 1804.

It was a kind
of first constitution in Europe and the second in the world which determined
the legal system of the Duchy for about 250 years.

The Statute was
edited several times and the last edition was made by Lev Sapieha in 1588

one of the greatest Belarusian
political figures, famous for his wisdom,

a lawyer and a military commander,

the head of Grand Duchy of

powerful guardian of Belarusian
national interests,

a stronghold of our independence.

The first
settlements on the territory of Great Britain appeared 7 century B.C. while in
Belarus they appeared in the Paleolithic Period.

So in this
aspect the Belarusian historical roots are even deeper and have a lot in common
with many European countries.

The culture of
any country is always reflected on the people and their behavior.

The British are
sure that nothing is as well done elsewhere as in the own country, they are practical,
realistic, full of common sense and not mislead by any romantic delusions.

They tend to be
rather conservative and love familiar things.

They are
careful in everything, their lawns are carefully cropped, their drinks are
carefully measured, and seats in the cinema are carefully assigned.

As for our
mentality we are less conservative than British and Lithuanians and more
conservative than Russians.

Our character
is mainly expressed in tolerance, passion, good heartedness.

But in spite of
this the Belarusians know how to defend themselves and history proves it.
Belarus is one of the founder members of United Nation Organization.

Ability to
sacrifice and carriage of our ancestors are respected by many all over the

As for holidays
we share the same holidays, including New Year, Christmas, and Easter.

The only
difference is that we celebrate Christmas, Easter twice according to Gregorian
and Julian ( Orthodox) calendar.

And both dates
are public holidays which prove the tolerance of Belarusians.

Such dates as
St Valentine’s Day, Halloween also gain popularity in Belarus.

We also
celebrate Dazhynky in late autumn.

It’s a kind of
Thanks-Giving Day, but on the state level because the government allocates
financial support to the selected small town for its rehabilitation annually.

These money
help to reequipped the existing plants, make new roads, build new
infrastructure and thus to make new places for employment.

In such way
government provides a strong social support to population.

We also
commemorate the memory of our dead ancestors when we celebrate Dzyady and Radunitsa and these days are bank holidays.

At the last
week before Lent we celebrate Maslenitsa.

The sense of this week is to forgive any harm
was done to you, to prepare for Lent.

The main
attributes are pancakes, burning the scarecrow that symbolizes ending of

The celebration
of Kupalle has a deep roots in
ancient times and is connected with summer solstice.

Famous people
of Great Britain are known over the world and includes such names as
Shakespeare, Newton, Wilde, Winston Churchill, John Lennon.

As for Belarus
there are also many people famous over the world that have Belarusian roots.

Ignacy Domeyko was a
well-known geologist who spent most of his life in Chile where he became a
national hero.

He is officially recognized by
UNESCO for his achievements.

Named after him are a mineral, a
mountain range in the Andes and a town in Chile.

Lev Sapieha is one of the
greatest Belarusian political figures, a lawyer and a military commander.

Tadeusz Kosciuszko was a military
commander during the War of Independence in the USA.

One city in America was named after

He was the hero of French Revolution

The highest point in Australia and
ancient park are named after him

Belarusian people are mostly glorified by sportsmen:

Vitaly Shcherbo (artistic
gymnastics)is the World Champion 14

Olga Korbut - the
legendary gymnast won 4 Olympic Gold medals

won the 100
metres gold medal at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games

Maxim Mirnyi is the most
famous Belarusian tennis player

Other famous

Mark Shagal – well known in France

Isaac Asimov – one of the greatest
fantast-writer in the world

Lasar Mayer – founder of Metro
Goldwin Mayer

Dmitri Shostakovich – one of the
most celebrated composers of the XX century.

Adolf Bittner – founder of the “Bittner

Zigmund Yurkovski – founder ot the

Ballmer – is the chief of Microsoft, his parents was from Pinsk.


Reiki et al

v Among
the most popular AM methods today are Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure,
reflexology, T’ai Chi, Dr. Shulze program and others.


v Reiki
is a Japanese word, which means universal life energy.

v It
is a practice of healing not only body, but also mind and spirit, thus
returning a person into the state of harmony.

v Reiki
masters activate the body’s natural ability to heal itself by placing the hanrs
on the patient’s body.


v It’s
a traditional method of healing in China.

v There
are more than 60 million specialists only in China now.

v It
had been the subject of clinical trials, which proved its effectiveness.

v It
is based on the system of meridians, which are energy channels.

v There
are total 35 meridians in a human body, on which accupoints are found.

v They
are the reservoirs of energy.

v Each
meridian is connected in the certain organ.

v It
is probably one of the best-established alternative methods of treatment, now
offered by many doctors abroad.

Shia Tsu

v It
is similar to acupuncture, but without needles.

v It
is applied to particular points of arms, feet and palms.

v By
reflex action this pressure stimulates energy flow to particular organ or

T’ai Chi

v The
aim is to develop muscular control and grace.

v Slow
flowing movements help to harmonize body, mind and spirit.

v They
can be applied in the form of healing and self-defense.

v The
attention is payed to performing the movements on relaxation and balance, but
not on stress or exertion.


Red represents creativity, energy, power.

Good for
treating anemia and other blood-relating condition, can make you feel warmer,
reducing pain that comes from cold.

Excess of red
can make a person aggressive. It’s not recommended to people who have heart

Orange- like red, energizing colour, but it has a gentle
warming effect.

Useful for
people with gallstones, digestive diseases, chest and kidney diseases,
arthritis. It helps to lift the spiritual level of people who are depressed or

Too much orange
can leave to agitation.

Green represents balance, harmony and hope.

It’s good for
people with heart problems, stimulates growth and therefore helps to heal
broken bones, is useful in tissue regeneration.

Indigo stimulates the intellect, gives the sense of courage
and inner calmness.

It helps to diseases of veins, nervous system,

Too much indigo
makes a person feel sleepy and may cause a headache.

Violet has strong links with creativity.

It’s good for
people who are emotionally agitated, helps compulsive eaters to control the

It’s not advised
to clinically depressed people.


to regulate inflammation

blood sugar level

of oxidative stress


antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, fever reduced and pain reliving properties

a natural remedy for nausea and vomiting due to sea smokiness or pregnancy


effective remedy for hysteria and nervous disorders

respiratory disorders like whooping cough, bronchitis

premature labor, painful and excessive

diseases, indigestion, over-eating






chest pain



and digestive properties





as a breath-freshener

– cures pharyngitis


from flu


diarrheauseful for cyrrosis and other liver diseases ( as it helps liver to
accomplish it’s metabolic function)


sedative, calms heart palpitation, helps in insomnia and depression

of respiratory system

soothing properties help in reducing pain caused by acute colics

backache, neckpain

(as it has antioxidant properties, which prevent onset of cataract)





against colds


people with cold feet and hands

cases of appetite loss and indigestion


levels of blood cholesterol

good source of calcium

for sufferers of osteoporosis

a high amount of the antioxidant phytic acid

systolic and diastolic blood pressure

a role in the reduction of body fat


to the WHO, alternative medicine refers to practices, approaches, knowledge and
beliefs, dealing with plant, animal and mineral based medicines, manual
techniques and exercises, applied to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or
maintain well-being.

Europe and North America over 50% of the population have used complementary
medicine at least once; while in Canada 70% and in Germany 40% of population
have used natural remedy at some point in their life.

USA they spent over 17$ billion on traditional remedies.

global market for herbal medicines currently stands at over US $60 billion
annually and is growing steadily.

WHO started its first ever comprehensive traditional medicine strategy in 2002.

to it, it is necessary:

national policies on the evaluation and regulation of TM/CAM practices.

a stronger evidence base on the safety, efficacy and quality of the TAM/CAM
products and practices.

availability and affordability of TM/CAM including essential herbal medicines.

traditional medicines and remedies.


I recently re-watched the film
“La belle Verte”. The film contrasts the two societies: ideal and the modern society.
On the one planet people are happy, we live on the second.

An ideal society lives in
harmony with nature in well-being and happiness. Modern society lives as lives.
Nature gives us everything for our wealth, but instead gratitude, we are doing to
her only injury. Not better situation with the attitude of people around us. We
must learn to consume less unnecessary things.

In the grotesque form shows
how we should live to be happy. The film discusses the simple truth that
everyone understands, but don’t want to follow them. Therefore, we should say them
again and again. We can’t make the world better, but we can become better. Just
look around and smile to persons around you.

We should not idealize the
characters in the film, but must to revise our views on life in accordance with
what we saw. We must strive for simplicity. Only the love to the world brings
us closer to happiness. We must to be closer to each other.


My hobby

Many people have hobbies. I have a hobby too. I'm interested in photography.
My passion began five years ago.
I saved $ 30 on dinners and bought my first 3 megapixel camera.
Everyone laughed at me because camera was not modern and large.
But it was my own, and I don't need lend it from other.
Hobby takes me more and more. My cameras became more modern.
In July of last year, my girlfriend started to shooting to old film camera Zenit.
Then I decided that I'm interested in the film, not digital photography.
It somehow happened, that I started collecting film cameras.
Now I have 7 film and 2 digital cameras.
I often take photos on film rather than a digital camera.
Often I'm thinking why I like to shoot on film, but I cannot find an answer.
Me and my girlfriend like film processing at home and print photos the way that printed our fathers.
I thank God for what he gave us a photo, with which we can preserve the moments of our past for our future.
The process of photographing - the act of creation.
Some people like my pictures, someone - not, but the main thing why I do it - I like it.
While I photographing, I gain harmony with itself.
In my backpack is always camera. I can walk with him for a week, looking for only one an unusual shot.
Also, I do not believe in photographers who has never felt the excitement, when in a dark room with red light in the tray appears a shape of the future photo.
I always give photos to the people I photographed.
It takes many years, and maybe my pictures will remind people about the eccentric, which in the XXI century shot them on a film.
My photo is part of me. With their help, I will live until then, until my last shot will disappear.

Many resources of today's society dominated of culture of consumption are devoted to persuading us that gratification of our desires is a road to happiness.
But I'm sure happiness doesn't grow from material possessions ...
All of us fantasized about winning a big prize in a lottery, dreaming about what we would do with the money but rarely think about what money may do to us.
Very often winning a fortune brings more problems than it solves.
The lucky people go on a spending spree and fretter away money on fancy foreign cars, marble swimming pools, wallowing in champagne and very soon he stays penniless and alone earning money for groceries.
Happiness is not a result of action or achievements.
It rather grows from within.
But we burry it under the feelings of anger, hatred and agitation.
The only problem before the majority of people is to secure a decent living, well-provide with desired comfort.
In other words the object of life for them is only to achieve the greatest possible comfort.
If they are able to achieve it, they are happy, and their life is a success, otherwise not.
But many people have reached world wide wealth, though their problems in life still remain unsolved.
We can't make a wrong choice in our life, since we all follow our own road gathering our own experiences.
We should not blame anybody of our choice, because we are the only people responsible for it.
I'm sure that the goal in life must be the highest otherwise progress is doubtful.


Elzeard Bouffier was a poor,solitary shepherd, who lived in the barren mountains of southern France.

His love of nature gave him anincredible idea.

The author travelled in themountains, where nothing grew, but wild lavender.

Once he met a shepherd thereand left peace in his presence.

For three years he had beenplanting acorns in this wilderness.

He had planted one hundredthousand.

Of the hundred thousand,twenty thousand had sprouted.

Of the twenty thousand hestill expected to lose half.

There remanded ten thousandoak trees would grow where nothing had grown before.

He said that if God grantedhim life, in another 30 years he would have planted so many trees, that theseten thousand would be like a drop of water in the ocean.

In five years, when the authormet shepherd again, his forest was eleven kilometers in length and threekilometers at its greatest width.

When you remember that all this had come from the hands and the soulof this one man, you understood that man could be as effective as God in waysother than destruction.

When the author returned for afinal visit in 1945 after the World War II, everything had changed there.

Not only was there the forest,but many villages appeared there.

And more than 10 000people in the area owe their happiness to Elzeard Bouffier.

When I think that one man wasable to cause this land Canaan to grow from wasteland, I am convinced that inspite at everything, humanity is good.

Elzeard Bouffier lived a happylife and died a happy person.




Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in

As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,

they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser
persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however

it is a real possession in the changing
fortunes of time.

Don’t distress yourself with dark imaginings

Many fears are also born of fatigue and loneliness

Be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
No less than the trees and the stars;
You have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,

Keep peace in your soul

In the noisy confusion of life.
It is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.